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Tarot Classes

Classes are one on one or can be arranged with groups. Prices are listed for individuals.  Please message me directly for details related to groups.


Within the class series there is a set structure that we work from while also providing space for the flow of each person's needs and desires.  

Overall, these series of classes are designed to build upon each other but are accessible as they are so you can take whatever series interests you. 

Class schedules are created in accordance with the desired pace of the student. We can move as quickly or slowly as 

as needed.

Individual classes can also be created outside of these series.

 San Marcos is 175q per hour or 125q per hour for time commitments of 10 hours or more.

 Online is $35 USD per hour or $25 USD per hour for time commitments of 10 hours or more.


Tarot Theory and 
The Language of Symbols

10 hrs/5 classes of 2hrs 
San Marcos - 1,250q

Online - $250 USD

This class series is designed to teach you the basics to get started with the cards for spiritual practices as well as readings. We will explore the following: 

*What Tarot is as spiritual system
*How we can create a relationship with the cards
*The basic structure of the cards 
*What symbols are and how they create the structure of the cards
*The characteristics of the main symbols used throughout all Tarot decks - Numbers, Astrology, Colours, Elements, Gender
* How to start exploring and reading the cards for yourself 

Card Exploration and Experience
10hrs/5 classes of 2 hours

San Marcos - 1,250q 

Online - $250 USD

This class series is designed to create a deeper knowledge of how to explore individual cards. Through this you will learn how to create a personal experience with each card. You will be provided with tools for exploration that will take you beyond the static meaning of book interpretations and open you to discovering your own truth and guidance. You will also learn how to grow and evolve with your cards and learn how to be aware of and trust in your own unique intuitive perceptions.


Spreads and Readings
10hrs/5 classes of 2hrs 

San Marcos - 1,250q

Online - $250 USD

This class is for practicing your reading skills both logically and intuitively. You will be provided with insights and practices to do both so that you can read the cards for yourself and others. Through this you will learn how to interpret the cards beyond their singular energy and expand into understanding how they interact and come alive within a reading. 
We will practice together different readings throughout the whole series to give you practical first-hand experience and wisdom, helping you to build confidence and trust in your ability to read the cards.

Major Arcana in-depth study
22hrs - 11 classes of 2hrs 
San Marcos - 2,750q

Online - $550 USD

In this class we dive deep into the Archetypes of the Major Arcana. We dedicate 1 hour to each card so that we can explore the themes of each in a profound way.  We will look at the individual symbols of each card that go beyond the main structure and through this provide insight into some of their greater challenges, lessons and magic. We will explore each card in a personalized way that will highlight where you are at with each card and what you can do to evolve your relationship with each archetype. 


All images are from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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