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Recorded Tarot Readings

These personalized recorded readings are a great way to receive downloads of guidance, advice, understanding and clarity. Crafted according to your personal intentions and needs, these readings will help you to tap into the current energetic influences that are most prominent in your life at this moment.  


Recorded Tarot Readings will be created in the moment of your request.  What you will receive is a personalized recording and a photo of your cards.  There is no follow up with these readings. The guidance and advice you receive will be for you to integrate and apply on your own.


When you make a request, please include the following:


- Your first name

- A brief description of why you are requesting the reading

- What you are hoping to receive from the reading


Readings will be delivered within 48hrs of the request. The payment method is cash for people in San Marocs and through PayPal for those in around the world. The link for PayPal will be provided when the reading is sent.

* Please note that these readings can also be done as a live session. The rates for live sesssions would then apply rather than the cost listed below.

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Energetic Update

$10 USD

San Marcos - 50q

This reading provides you with a quick overview of what energetic theme is most predominate around your life circumstances in this moment and will provide you with advice and guidance of how best to work with this energy.

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This or That

$15 USD

San Marcos - 70q


This reading will help you assess different options when making a decision. It will not tell you what to decide but will give you information to consider to help you in the decision-making process.

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Past, Present, Future

$20 USD

San Marcos - 100q

An assessment of how an energy is unfolding.  This can be for a specific focus or can be as a general life overview.  The past aspect will highlight what energies from the past carry influence in this moment and if they are helping or hindering current energies. The present will advise you what to consider and where to take action.  The future will provide an understanding of potential future progressions and give advice of how to take the next step after fulfilling the advice of the present. 

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What is Hidden

$20 USD

San Marcos - 100q


This reading will help you most when you feel lost, confused and uncertain about how to work with current energies.  The main focus will help you to see where your focus will best serve you.  What you already know will confirm what thoughts, actions, beliefs etc. benefit you in this moment and will encourage you to keep progressing in that way.  What you can’t see will look at the energetic influences under the surface and help to bring awareness to these energies so that you can take action according to these influences.  What to prepare for will highlight energetic themes that will soon present themselves and advice you how to ready yourself for them.

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The Elemental Spread

$25 USD
San Marcos - 150q


This spread looks at the 4 corners of your life in relation to your main elemental worlds as well as the current overall cosmic influences.  First, we will look at your water element which relates to your emotions and past. Next, we will explore the air element that relates to your mind, and we will examine your thoughts and communications and the impact they have on your relationships.  After, we will examine your spiritual world and look at purpose, drive and motivation related to work and education.  From here we will explore your physical world and look into health, finances and environment. Finally, we will look at the larger cosmic influences that are currently shaping your life experience.

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The Relationship Spread

$25 USD

San Marcos - 150q


This reading will provide you with advice of how to best work within the dynamics of the current energetic state of a relationship. This can be for any type of relationship such as: friends, family, marriage, intimate, roommates and business. Please specify the type of the relationship when making a request for this reading.  The main focus will highlight the overall theme that is most dominate at this time and advise you how to work best with this energy.  The intentions and goals section will help you know where to take action to help move the relationship in a healthy direction.  The communication section will advice you what communications need to happen at this time.  The healing section will look at what energies need to be address and healed to bring harmony into the relationship.  And the activity section will look at what day to day activities will best support the growth of the relationship

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The Plan

$25 USD

San Marcos - 150q


This reading will support you if you are working on a particular goal and focus.  The main focus will highlight where the energy currently stands and how you can best work with it.  The subconscious influences aspect will help you to understand the energy working under the surface and what you can be aware of. The conscious awareness aspect will advise you where to focus your mind and what needs to be considered immediately.  Where to not focus/take action right now will show you where energetic focus will be wasted.  Where to focus/take action will show you what next steps will most help in this moment for you to move forward.

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Healing Spread

$25 USD

San Marcos - 150q


This reading is for bringing awareness and understanding into what you would most benefit in healing in this time and place.  The main focus will highlight what themes are in need of the most attention.  The action section will advice you of what actions are needed to begin this process.  The surrender section will advise you of what energies to accept as is and where to let go of control.  The strength section will show you what energies and lessons learned that you already have to support you. The challenge section will look at what energies are causing blocks and preventing progress.  The guiding spiritual practice will advise you as to what energy will support you overall in this process.

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Divine Purpose

$25 USD
San Marcos - 150q


This reading is intended to help you if you are looking for insight into your life purpose and destiny. The first card will highlight a key component of your destiny. The 2nd card will explore your strengths through the gifts and talents you have that support you.  We will then examine with the 3rd card what challenges currently hinder and block you. The 4th card will look at the cosmic energy that guides you on your path.  The 5th card will expand into who you become through fulfilling your destiny.  And with the last card, number 6, advice and guidance will be given towards what supportive actions you can take in the present moment to move you further along on your path towards your destiny.

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New Moon and Full Moon

Solstice and Equinox 

$25 USD

San Marcos - 150q

These readings will only be offered in the days leading up to these energies and for a short time after. Cost is per reading.

Available now until September 19th - Full Moon Reading


Choose Your Own Spread

Price Varies

Is there a spread that you would like me to read for you?

Send me a request to do so with a picture of the spread and I will consider if it is possible and at what cost I would offer it at. 

All images are from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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