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  • myshelle121

The High Priestess - Tarot

Updated: Jul 17

The High Priestess guards the mysteries of the subconscious. She has many secrets to reveal to us if we can learn to listen and be patient. She speaks to us in subtle ways through the language of symbols and guides us towards truths that cannot be taught through facts and logic. Her revelations often come in pieces like a puzzle that all come together when we are ready to see the whole picture. She guides us to these revelations much like the waxing and waning cycles of the moon. First, we gain a piece of the puzzle and then there is slow build up to the illumination of to the full truth. As we gather each piece, slowly her secrets come into focus until the full truth is revealed. After, a period of slow integration follows met by a time of rest. Some truths need time, she reminds us, because if we were given the truth right away, we would not accept it or know what to do with it. This is why she asks us to be patient and to trust the process that gets us there.

She also reminds us that our fears create illusions that blocks us from these deeper truths. If we wish to really know and experience these mysteries, we must be willing to face ourselves and our fears so that we can move through them to the revelations that are available on the other side. This is no small task. She will reflect to us all our fears and doubts, guilts and shames, regrets and resentments to show us all we are not, but believe ourselves to be. Only through this process of facing these fears and illusions can the veil open and her secrets be revealed.

She is the path that connects our Heart with Source, and her task is to help us cultivate a connection of trust with our intuition which stems from a higher level of truth and consciousness connected to source energy. Our intuition is our guide and companion that keeps us moving through the darkness towards our light. Learning to trust what we cannot see and what cannot be validated outside of ourselves is what the High Priestess is here for. She reminds us that we know our truth even if our fears want to tell us something different. And in learning to trust this guidance of our intuition, we will find the answers to all our questions sometimes in the most unlikely of places.

#2 - Duality, Choice, Preparation, Contemplation

Zodiac - The Moon - Intuitive, Subtle Change, Imaginative, Cyclical

Water - Reflections, Emotions, Connections

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

The Hight Priestess - The Light Seer's Tarot
The Hight Priestess - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Deck by Chris-Anne

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