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  • myshelle121

The Energy of the Number 8 - The Visionary - Numerology

8 Energies pave the way for the future. They are the visionaries that see the future of human evolution are able to create what will help open the way for us to get there. They are daring in their visions and will take risks that others would not. They are ambitious, courageous and driven. Challenges do not faze them because they see challenge as a dare to do what no one else could do and they welcome the chance to prove to the world that anything is possible. They have an adventurous energy that motivates them to explore beyond what others have already accomplished. They are here to achieve the impossible and to build the future in the here and now.

8 energies are known for their incredible talent to generate wealth and abundance easily. They seemingly have an endless supply of resources available to them at all times. This is because they understand abundance through the concepts of infinity. They do not believe in lack and so it's their belief in the infinite supply of the universe that keeps them tapped into the energy of abundance that continually generates more and more of what they need and want in this life.

The energy of 8 is resourceful and innovative. Their power is not only in their ability to generate limitless resources, but also is reflected in their innovated ideas of how to utilize these resources in such ways as to elevate these energies beyond just the basic and into something truly inspiring. They are also able to distribute these resources in ways that benefit many on a large scale as they are always thinking globally, not just locally.

Overall, 8 energies are focused more on the bigger scale of things. They are likely to generate some form of fame because their ideas and innovations tend to be inspirational at a global level. They are tapped into levels of conscious awareness that surpass small local visions and access information and understandings that are globally accessible. What they can see and create is for all of humanity, not just one pocket of it.

8s are able to see what others cannot. They see the future of our human evolution and the path that will get us there. They are able to look at our current technologies and see where they will bring us and how they will serve us in the bigger scheme of things. What is new for most, is already obsolete in the mind of an 8 because they are already moving towards the next level of advancement.

8 energies overall will do well in the technological industries. Because of their powerful foresight and innovative visions, they are able to understand the purpose of technology from a wider perspective. They are not inventing what is needed now, they are creating what is needed to get us moving in the direction of what will create future technologies. Most people who are limited in their visions to only the immediate future would deem the visions of 8s to be impossible. 8s, however, see the bigger picture and the space between now and then as merely being the time needed to grow into these visions and to overcome the challenges that currently prevent such possibilities. They are not detoured by this and instead are excited by the adventure of what it will take to get there.

The greatest strength of an 8 energy is their ability to overcome challenge. They do not see challenges as weaknesses, but rather as opportunities to expand, learn and grow. 8’s are willing to face the challenges that most people are not. They do not have the same sense of failure, and in fact embrace failure knowing that it is a necessary steppingstone towards success. 8’s will fall down as many times as needed and will get up and still keep charging forward no matter how hard a challenge might be. They know that what awaits them on the other side of challenge is the solutions and inspirations they are looking for.

8 energies would do well to work in groups. Because they have such big ideas and visions, they need to connect with the people who would each play a part in manifesting their vision. 8’s may be the CEO of the company, but they need all the working parts for the vision to function. 8’s need to learn how to get along with group energies and to value each person's contribution equally without putting themselves on a pedestal.

When 8 energies are in the extreme, they will find it difficult to exist in the present moment and are unable to appreciate what is here and now. They can take careless risks and jump into sketchy ventures that will take from them for all that they got. They will lose as many fortunes as the make throughout their lifetime. They will not know when to give up and persist and pursue things long after defeat has already been evident. They can be cocky and condescending to those who cannot understand their visions and may find themselves excluded from projects and groups because of their ‘I'm better than you’ attitudes. Extreme 8 energies struggle with believing that anyone else is as smart and important as them and will treat people as such from this perspective.

In the neglect of the 8 energies, 8’s will waste the resources they have available to them. They will struggle with generating abundance and maintain more of a lack mentality then an abundant mindset. They will focus more on pleasure rather than purpose and invest what little resources they have on immediate gratification rather than long term sustainability and wellbeing. They will focus on small ideas and visions that do little to impact the world. They will avoid challenge and instead stay within their comfort zone. They will invest money and energy into what has already peaked, therefore coming in too late to be able to capitalize on what has already come and gone. They will in general exist in a fearful state and refuse to take risks, open to adventure and stand in a leadership position. They will play small, fade into the background and into obscurity.

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The Energy of the Number 8 - The Visionary - Numerology
The Energy of the Number 8 - The Visionary - Numerology

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