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  • myshelle121

The Energy of the Number 3 - Numerology

The 3 energy is creative and expressive.  It is an energy that is charismatic and influential.  3’s are charming, full of flare and artistic. They appreciate beauty, pleasure and luxury. They are able to create abundance through their different creative expressions and tend to be generous with the abundance they generate.  They can also be quite sensual and seductive.


3 energies love to create beauty in this world and honor the beauty created by others. They value art, music and anything that creates joy and pleasure.  They have an eye for artistic talent and also posses natural artistic talents within themselves.  


Ascetics are important to 3 energies.  Everything must be beautiful and arranged in such a way as to be pleasing to all the senses.  They do not do well with things just being thrown together in haphazard ways. Dull and simple are unacceptable.  Quality and beauty are of the utmost importance in whatever a 3 energy does and creates. Extravagant and fancy are also key factors.  Whatever they bring energy to, they will make sure that it is beautiful, tasteful and of the highest quality.


3 energies are especially indulgent to the senses.  They want everything to be pleasing, and so value things that bring pleasure through sound, taste, touch, sight, and smell. High quality is important, and they spare no expensive for the finer things in life.  This is why 3 energies make great hosts for parties and events. They will create a beautiful setting and an atmosphere that will please on all levels (except maybe when the bill comes).


3 energies are also sensual in their nature.  They are attuned to all things pleasurable, and they enjoy this most through the sensations of their body.  Their sexual energy is potent and powerful. They embrace this part of their nature freely and without inhibition. This is why 3 energies have a powerful energy of allure and attraction.


3 energies get along with all types of people and have a knack for uplifting people into the best versions of themselves because they are able to see what makes each person beautiful and they have a way of making sure that each person knows their value and worth through their own unique expression of beauty.  People generally feel really good about themselves whenever they are in the presence of a number 3 energy.


3's are the life of the party and are social butterflies.    3 energies are charismatic and attract attention wherever they go.  People want to know them and be seen with them. Social status can be important to number 3 energies, and they will climb the social later with poise and grace.  


3’s are also quite influential as there social standing puts them in a position of influence over what is popular and what is not.  They are leaders in style and can become fashion icons through their creative and daring fashion choices.  They do not follow the trends, and instead set them.


In their extreme energies, 3’s can be snotty and superficial. They will turn their nose at anything or anyone who they think to be lower class or unfashionable.  They will refuse to partake in anything that doesn’t cost a bunch of money and buy things only to one up the people around them.  They will brag and boost about money and possessions and flaunt what they have while also being wasteful. They will look down on those who have less. They can be catty and mean, as well as competitive and constantly comparing to others.  They will overindulge in pleasures to the point of debauchery, gluttony and addiction.  


In the neglect of this energy, 3 energies will hide their beauty. They will live with a poor mentality rather than an abundance mindset and therefore will choose what is practical over what is pleasing.  They will restrict indulgences and be pious and celibate.  They will refuse pleasure of any kind in order to suppress any urges they may have to enjoy life and have fun.  They will see art and music as something distasteful, wasteful and impractical and therefore will not develop any of their natural gifts and talents.  They will see only the ugly in the world and in themselves and be unable to see the beauty.

If you would like to learn more about your own personal numbers, please send me a DM to inquire about personal readings or visit my webpage

The Number 3 - Numerology
The Number 3 - Numerology

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