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  • myshelle121

The Devil - Tarot

Updated: Jul 19

Often The Devil is associated with temptation, addiction and obsession. These facets show only part of this cards meaning. What The Devil asks of us is to see the difference between pleasure that is enjoyed through indulgence vs suffering that is hidden through the illusion of pleasure.

One facet of The Devil is understanding that we have come here to have a human experience. To enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. To eat good food, drink good wine, share in good sex and to really allow ourselves to enjoy these things without guilt or shame. However, there is a difference between healthy enjoyment and excessive behaviors that result in addiction and obsession. Healthy pleasure is being able to enjoy without being attached and with the intention to be present. Addiction is about chasing more and is looking to escape the present moment. When we are in a state of Joy and Love we can experience these pleasures in healthy and enjoyable ways. When we are suffering and in pain, these pleasures become ways to escape and to numb.

Addiction and obsession exist because we are trying to escape ourselves and reality. We seek to find pleasure in a way that constantly demands more so as to divert and distract our attention from our pain.  We opt for the immediate gratification of such pleasures at the cost of our long-term wellbeing. Hiding from our pain at all costs, only to find it chasing us around every corner relentlessly. We get stuck in this loop of seeking pleasure and distraction, waking up in pain, seeking more pleasure and distraction and exhaust ourselves in trying to separate from something that is actually apart of us.

Addiction is often defined through things like alcohol, drugs, sex, food etc. but The Devil shows us that these are just physical manifestations of the addictive and harmful thoughts, emotions and beliefs that cause us suffering in the first place. Remember that The Devil was created to make us feel shame, guilt, regret, and resentment. It is only in believing ourselves unworthy of love that we have created the pain that we suffer.

We suffer because we have been taught that we are separate from God (Universe, Allah, Source etc.). That we are unworthy of God's love and undeserving of Gods mercy. So much of our suffering is because we do not love and accept ourselves. We look at what we judge about ourselves to be wrong or imperfect or through our perceived mistakes and problems to justify our pain and suffering and to prove to ourselves that we are unworthy and undeserving of love. These parts of ourselves become our shadow self. Our rejected self. And the more we try to run and hide from these parts of ourselves, the more we suffer and the more we create cycles of suffering through the unhealthy choices we make, like unhealthy habits that perpetuate more pain and suffering.

The Devil comes to us with brutal honesty to say that our suffering is a choice. We have a choice to love ourselves or not. To make decisions that are loving and kind or not. To connect with others in loving ways or not. To think loving thoughts or not.  We have the power to choose love or hate. When we choose to judge and criticize, to see ourselves as separate from others, to live a life in fear, we are choosing to suffer. When we deny ourselves love with whatever the excuse of guilt, shame, regret or resentment, we suffer. And The Devil laughs at us as we inflict this pain willingly and repeatedly knowing that we are the only ones who think that this pain and punishment is actually necessary.

The Devil is asking us to face our unloved self and to accept it with complete honesty. We are not perfect. We are not without our flaws. We do not move throughout life without making mistakes. However, that does not mean that we are unworthy or undeserving of love. And if we want to end our suffering and punishment in our own self-created Hell, we need to choose Love. Every time. Everyday.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

The Devil - The Light Seer's Tarot
The Devil - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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