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  • myshelle121

Page of Pentacles - Tarot

Updated: Jul 20

The Page of Pentacles is a grounded and practical energy. Within her is the potential to grow practical skills that will support her in creating stability in her life. Her calm and patient energy makes her a good student as well as her enthusiasm to learn new things.

When the Page of Pentacles comes up for us, it is because we are being asked to expand our potential in tangible and practical ways. Generally, this comes up when we have recently discovered something new about ourselves and we are being encouraged to explore this energy. There are talents and skills within us that we maybe haven't given attention to in the past, and we now have a chance to develop these energies should we choose to do so.

The pages in general represent a childlike energy. With this we are encouraged to explore, discover, and play with the energies around us with childlike enthusiasm. With the particular energy of the Page of Pentacles we are asked to apply this energy to our physical world which can relate to our body, environment, skills and assets.

Learning new skills, hobbies, and talents that can support our material world aligns us with this energy of the Page of Pentacles. It is a time for us to take practical steps in learning these new things, but with a childlike curiosity that allows us to explore without yet committing in such a serious way. Right now, it is enough to just play with the possibilities in way that encourages development without commitment.

Overall, the Page of Pentacles is helping us to discover new potentials within ourselves so that we can begin to take practical steps in developing these things in a step-by-step kind of way. It all starts with the acknowledgment that this potential exists and the willingness to explore without being attached to what it looks like or where it may take us. Like a child, this energy just wants us to have fun, play and be open to all the wonder of who we can be.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

Page of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot
Page of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chirs-Anne

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