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Knight of Pentacles - Tarot

Updated: Jul 20, 2024

The Knight of Pentacles is hardworking, determined and disciplined. He knows what he has to do to get things done and will show up to do the work. He knows that good things take time to grow, and he is willing to show up for the tedious and monotonous day to day work to bring his goals into fruition.

He tends to stick with what is tried and true, preferring to work through traditional methods rather than trying something new. He is diligent and a bit of a perfectionist. He cares about the quality of his work and would rather work at a slow and steady pace then to rush things.

When the knight comes up for us, we are being asked to slow down and take things step by step and day by day. This is not a time to rush anything, but rather a time to commit to a plan and show up to do the tedious everyday work we know we need to do in order to get things done and to reach our goals.

This Knight teaches us patience and this is the energy we are being asked to cultivate at this time. Patience is not about waiting, its about showing up and doing what needs to be done and being patient to see the results over time. This energy asks us to be hardworking, dedicated and disciplined in such a way as to know that though we may not see immediate results, eventually we will reap the rewards of our efforts in ways that are long lasting, enduring and sustainable.

The Knight also teaches us that when we set a slow and steady pace, we are able to then create things of quality. Rushing may get us to the finish line faster, but the results we see may lack the quality we are really looking for. When we take our time, we can address issues and challenges as they come up and we can fix and readjust things as needed. Then when our harvest comes in, we will be truly satisfied with what we have grown.

Overall, the Knight of Pentacles is reminding us that life is not a race. Anything worth growing and creating, is worth working for and we best achieve this through a calm and patient attitude. We also learn from this energy that in tending to our day-to-day responsibilities, we reap the rewards over time. Every time we show up to do the hard day-to-day work, our efforts build and grow in such a way as to reflect our dedication and our harvest will always reflect the efforts, we have previously put in.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

Knight of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot
Knight of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot

All images are from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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