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  • myshelle121

King of Pentacles - Tarot

Updated: Jul 20

The King of Pentacles is the pinnacle of success. He has worked hard to build his kingdom and now gets to enjoy the fruits of his labor. He is not shy in his success. He is rather quite proud of it because he knows what it took to get here. He enjoys the material wealth that his hard work has brought him, and he indulges himself with whatever things bring him pleasure.

When we have the King of Pentacles coming up for us, one aspect to consider is that we are being encouraged to relax and enjoy what we have already achieved. It’s time to celebrate and appreciate all our hard work paying off and to recognize what it took to get here. Let go of the any guilt or shame that may come up around indulgence and enjoy the good life. You earned it.

Another aspect to consider is that the King of Pentacles is showing us what it is to be ambitions and driven. He got to his position because he was willing to do the work. He is someone who is responsible, hardworking, dependable, thorough, persistent, and dedicated. And so, when he comes up, we are encouraged to remember these qualities within ourselves and to utilize them in whatever life circumstances we are currently experiencing.

The King energy in general is reminding us to take responsibility for our own lives and to do what needs to get done. The pentacle energy relates to our physical body and assets, and so the King of Pentacles is reminding us to take charge of our physical world and do what we need to do to achieve what we want to achieve. When we tap into this Kings energy and embody this character, we are guaranteed to generate success.

Overall, the King of Pentacles reminds us that success is achieved through hard work, dedication, ambition and the patience necessary to show up and do the work each and every day. His kingdom was not built in a day, but rather brick by brick. His success was not given to him, but rather it was earned. And so, we are reminded to take charge of our own kingdom and put in the work needed to create the lifestyle we desire, knowing that it is our own grit and determination that will get us there.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

King of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot
King of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chirs-Anne

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