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  • myshelle121

Death - Tarot

Updated: Jul 17

Death represents so much more than simple change. It is a profound transformation in which we leave behind one energetic state and rise into another in such a way that there is no going back.  It is both an ending and a beginning and it asks a lot of us because it wants us to let go of all that we were in order to become all that we now are.

Death is definitely a card that is often misunderstood. Despite the dramatic Hollywood type interpretations, Death in Tarot does not, for the most part, predict impending doom and physical death. Though it can (rarely), we can use our understanding of physical death as a way of imagining the profound nature of this card because it illuminates for us just how significant this energic transformation truly is. However, Death is a card that will more often refer to death of a spiritual belief system, a passion and desire, an emotional connection, a trauma, a healing process, a perception of self and others, a level of consciousness and so much more. When manifesting on a physical level these things can translate through situations such as a change of job, relationship, home, location etc.

Through the many different transformations that death represents, it's important to note that Death does not always mean dead. It just denotes a significant moment of transformation in which something is changing to such a degree that things will never be the same again. For instance, a job promotion that takes you from one role to the next. Your job is not ending, just evolving. For a relationship, Death does not mean always that your relationship is over. It could just be showing the significance of a transformation as you evolve from dating to living together. Or from living together to being married. If it shows up in regard to money, it does not mean you are going to lose everything, it could indicate a financial windfall that takes you from one tax bracket to another and a represent a different level of abundance. Each of these are just examples to show that Death can show up for many different ways and assuming that Death is coming up to predict some form of misfortune is exactly why this card is so often misinterpreted.

Death is something we experience through many things, and it is important to recognize that is a natural part of our life cycle. Each day we experience a death as the day comes to and end and this in turn gives birth to a new day. When we give birth to a child, there is a death of our old life as our new life is birthed into being. Winter represents the death of a time cycle and spring shows us the inevitable rebirth into a new cycle.  These examples remind us that death can be a beautiful thing too and there is nothing in nature that is separate from these cycles of life, death and rebirth.

The big lesson with Death is that it is inevitable. All people, places, things, situations, experiences, relationships etc. will transform at some point in one way or another. Nothing ever remains the same and there is nothing we can do to control this inevitable force in our life. No one is above it or separate from it. We are all subject to Death as a part of Life. Life is not separate from Death, but in fact is one in the same energy. Life could not exist without Death and Death could not exist without Life.

So how can we work in harmony with this energy when it shows up in our life?

Death asks us to accept whatever change we are experiencing and to surrender to this transformation. To embrace this truth and process that will transform and prepare us for the new to come. To trust that in letting go of what is now obsolete, will now make way for something new and better. This can trigger in us some fear because it requires us to allow this without knowing what is next. Remember though, a caterpillar must first surrender to the cocoon before it can become a butterfly. It must face the darkness and surrender to the process of dissolving the old and allowing the new it's time to develop and grow before it is ready to fly. Death is asking us to face our fears and to see that Death is here to help us, not hinder us. Death is our friend and ally if we are willing to work in harmony with this energy rather than resist it.

Death can be a beautiful thing. However, holding on to what is dying is what creates pain in this process. Our fear may tell us it's the letting go that will make us suffer, when in fact letting go is the only way to find peace. This is not to say we can avoid pain by letting go, it's only to say that we make it worse by holding on and refusing to accept the truth of what is changing that we cause ourselves pain. Every death will bring both its pleasure and pain. It is both exciting and terrifying to allow these changes in our life. Death teaches us to allow space for both and to embrace to unknown of the new adventure that now opens for us.

There is of course a process between Death and Rebirth that must be honored. We must go through it, to be burned by it and then purified through it to get to the other side. No easy task for sure, and yet we can either embrace this process gracefully or be pulled kicking and screaming to the other side. Either way, Death says: I am here and ready or not, it is time.

#13 - Transformation, Power, Good Luck

Zodiac - Scorpio - Mysteries, Secrets, Profound Emotions

Element - Water - Emotions, Connections, Intuition

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

Death - The Light Seer's Tarot
Death - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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