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An Introduction to Numerology

Updated: May 17

The Language of Numbers

Numbers are a universal language. They are messengers of universal energies and understandings. They represent vibrational energies that are symbolic of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Numerology is the study and application of how the different number frequencies influence us both individually and collectively.

Our connection with numbers comes up through our daily interactions with numbers and through our own personal number frequencies. All numbers have significance in our lives. Being aware of the vibrational influence of a number at a particular time in our life can help us to harmonize with the energy that is around us. Each number offers us different guidance and advice as well as insight into what we could potentially learn, heal, grow and create in the moment it shows up. Each number vibration has its own challenges, lessons and gifts.

Our own personal numbers, which relate to our birthday and name vibrations, represent the gifts, talents and personality traits we have come into this lifetime to develop. These number vibrations will influence us in significant ways to help us to achieve our highest potentials and to face our greatest challenges.

The number system works through the core numbers of 1 through 9. All numbers are defined at the core level, so when you have a number larger then 9, it will be reduced down to a core number to understand its core essence. For example, the number 15 has the core number of 6 (1+5=6) and the number 143 would have a core number of 8 (1+4+3=8).

Master numbers (11, 22, 33) and Power numbers (44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99,) are treated differently. They will be worked with as they are because they are considered special through their double vibrational energy. They do still have their core number value but are given a different level of importance due to their amplified number repetition.

The amplification of a double number creates a stronger frequency within the core number. These numbers carry with them an extreme and potent energy that has the potential to teach us greater lessons through tougher challenges which then reward us with greater gifts and revelations. However, we do not always live up to the potential of these numbers as they require a profound level of maturity and mastery, and we may end up working only through the energy of the core number. The choice will be ours to rise up to these potentials or not, but what is required of us to do so will be a great deal of mastery through learning, discipline, self-sacrifice and genuine experience.

Becoming Aware of a Numbers influences 

Numbers are speaking to us and through us all the time. When a number is being repeated or amplified, this is a way that a number is trying to get our attention. Numbers show up absolutely everywhere and the more aware we are of these numbers, the more we can work with them and understand the energetic influences around us. Some may brush it off as coincidental, but in learning to be alert to numbers showing up and by paying attention to the patterns, overtime you will see that numbers are in fact synchronistic messages from the universe. We only need to be paying attention to receive these messages and then learn how to interpret them and to receive their guidance.

Some ways that numbers try to get our attention are through repetitions, sequences and amplifications. When a number is trying to get our attention, it will encourage us through its vibrational energy to be aware of what challenges to face, lessons to learn, actions to take, and what characteristics to develop in order to work in harmony with that energetic influence. 

A repeating number, for instance, when we are seeing the number 3 everywhere we go, is calling us to pay attention to what it represents and to follow the guidance of its energy in relation to our current life circumstance.

When we see sequences such as 123, 789 etc., we are being encouraged to follow the steps of each number as a fluid sequence, seeing that whatever context they are showing up in, requires us to be working with all these numbers, not just one and to see how the progression unfolds through each number.

When we see amplifications such as 111 or 3333, the particular number being emphasized is encouraging us to work with the power of that amplification as it is quite strong in that moment. The more amplified, the more energy that is available to us to utilize. It is a moment where we can harness the energy of that number to help us to develop or achieve something significant related to its particular characteristics.

One of the most common ways that numbers get our attention is through the date, time and year. Every year, one particular number will be emphasized. For example, our current years energy is that of 8 (2+0+2+4 =8) and so throughout this year, the number 8 will be of influence. Working with this number all year round will have an important impact through the universal energies available to us.

Every month we will work with the vibration of that month's energy. The month energy is calculated according to the order of the months throughout the year with January starting at 1 and ending in December with 12/3. Currently we are in the month of May and so working with the vibration of the number 5. And so, for each month, we are able to channel the energy of its number to help us to focus and achieve objectives specific to its vibrational energy. Special emphasize is given to when the day and month energy line up. For example, May 5th (5/5). This is called a number portal, and it offers us a chance to work with the number frequencies through this amplification. Some see it as a powerful opening to these energies where setting intentions through these energies can be particularly helpful.

Day to day we also work with specific number frequencies and can again harness these energies to our advantage should we choose to do so. And of course, throughout our day we will encounter number repetitions and sequences through the time such as 11:11, 5:55, 1:23. The significance of all these different influences will lie in the particular meaning of the numbers and the how, when, where, who, and what context they are showing up around.

Generally, theses number sequences, repetitions and amplifications are a way of catching our attention so that we take notice and then action related to these numbers and feel encouraged to follow through on whatever guidance they are providing. They can also, in these ways, highlight alignment as a way to cheer us on and to show us that our thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with the particular number vibrations we are seeing. It can be an encouragement to say keep doing what you are doing and trust the process that you are in.  

Part of being aware of how numbers are showing up in our life is also being aware of the way they show up. What context did they appear in? What circumstances surround the number in that moment? What thoughts/feelings/memories etc. were present? What was the quality of them showing up? Big and bold? Small and faint? What color? In what image? How they show up will help us to understand more specifically how they are working with us in a particular moment. Combining this information with the character traits of the number will help us to understand more specifically how the numbers are working with us in a particular moment of time and space.

Also important to note is that we will also have our own personal relationships with numbers. For many of us, we will have numbers we favor or prefer because of our experiences with them or because we consider them fortunate. There may also be numbers we dislike because of the challenges they have brought through to us or simply a belief that they are unlucky. What is important to observe with this is that numbers we like are because we harmonize and identify easily with the frequency they offer. Numbers we don’t like, are because they challenge us, and we struggle with what they represent. We are encouraged with these numbers to look for the learning, healing, and growth that can be possible by facing these challenges rather than avoiding them.

Overall, we want to see that Numbers have an important part to play in our lives. There is so much to expand and explore through these symbols that are universally available to us. In developing and awareness and an understanding of these frequencies, there is so much that we can learn, heal, grow and create through their magick.

In the next article we will explore the specific characteristics of each of the number frequencies.

If you would like to learn more about your own personal number vibrations, please message me directly about the numerology readings that I offer. Or please visit my web page: Numerology | Mystic Myshelle Tarot

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