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  • myshelle121

Ace of Pentacles - Tarot

Updated: Jul 20

Material Prospects, Potential Success


The Ace of Pentacles indicates a time of new opportunities and possibilities that could potentially open us to new journeys and pathways in our physical world, should we be willing and open to receive this energy.

When the Ace of Pentacles shows up, we are being asked to be aware of what opportunists are presenting themselves to us in this time and place. As this relates specifically to our physical world, these opportunities may come in the form of something related to our health, wealth or environment.

Aces in general represent ideas, inspirations, and possibilities. The Ace comes up to expose us to these potentialities so that we are aware that they exist, even if there is not yet a tangible manifestation. This energy is to awaken our awareness so that we can see that what is being offered to us now has the potential to help us to realize our goals and intentions. There is still a whole journey ahead of us, but the possibility is there, we only have to take this chance to seize it and follow through on where it guides us.

The pentacles overall are a slow-moving energy and so we can expect that whatever opportunities are being offered in this moment will take time, dedication, and patience to see through to the end. These opportunities we require us to show up to do the hard work necessary to bring our goals into manifestation. However, we are assured that if we are willing to do the work, success will follow, we only need to be patient with the journey and the time and energy it will take in order to get where we need and want to go.

Overall, the Ace of Pentacles indicates that whatever is being presented to us now is a gift from the Divine. It is up to us to open to recognize this divine offering as being the answer to our prayers and intentions, and that this energy will lead us on a path of success as long as we are willing to put in the work to get there. After all, this is just a beginning and an opportunity. What we do with it is completely up to us, but the potential is there for good things to begin to grow now. It's also important to remember that this opportunity comes to us now because we are ready for it. And so, we are encouraged to lean in and accept this energy regardless of what fears and doubts might present themselves. This opportunity wouldn’t come up if we were not ready. Trust this.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

Ace of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot
Ace of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chirs-Anne

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