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9 of Swords - Tarot

Updated: Jul 20

The 9 of Swords is a self-created nightmare. It represents what it is to obsessively think negative and harmful thoughts to the point of causing ourselves great suffering and cruelty. This energy creates within us a crippling anxiety that is difficult to break free of when we have reached this point.

We suffer in our mind because we choose to. This is the harsh lesson of the 9 of swords. When this card comes up, we are being asked to observe that there is nothing outside ourselves that is causing this pain, it is only us and our relentless toxic thought patterns that we keep indulging in that is causing us problems.

The 9 of Swords encourages us to recognize that only we have the power to change this energy. Rather than focusing our mind on our imagined pain and suffering, we are being asked to redirect our thoughts with discipline and strength in a way that would be supportive, uplifting and kind. However, at this stage of the 9 we may find this especially difficult as we have created a toxic relationship with these thoughts and after reinforcing these thoughts for so long, we cannot see anything outside of these energies.

The brutal honest truth of the 9 of Swords comes up when we need to see that everything we are suffering, we are creating by believing the lies we have told ourselves. We have created these toxic stories, and because we have chosen to believe them time and time again, we now find ourselves in a state of suffering and anxiety that is hard to shake free from.

The advice of the 9 of Swords is to see that everything we are experiencing right now is just in our head. To change this suffering and pain we must change the focus of our mind. We must wake ourselves up from our own self-imposed nightmare and choose to see the light instead of the darkness. Only we can make this choice for ourselves.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

9 of Swords - The Light Seer's Tarot
9 of Swords - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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