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  • myshelle121

8 of Wands - Tarot

Updated: Jul 17

POW! Everything comes together all at once in the 8 of wands. After making our way through the final struggles of the 7, the 8 brings us into total alignment.  With this, all energy that was stuck and hindered by our doubts and fears before, now opens up and moves swiftly towards new destinations and horizons.  With nothing holding us back, our energy is free to move in so many ways and things now manifest at lightning speed.  What we thought was impossible now becomes our reality and everything we been working towards is now happening all at once.   

There is also a sense of many parts and pieces coming together with this energy.  What was once chaos is now certain and focused.  Like an arrow being shot towards a target, all energy has converged into one point and is moving in the same direction.  Our spirit, mind, heart and body are all aligned and working together as we manifest goal after goal with ease. We see so many of our ideas coming into manifestation and everything is happening effortlessly.

Be ready because there is also new ideas and inspirations on their way. Now that this energy is open and flowing strongly, so much more becomes available to us.  Ideas and inspirations we never could consider before, suddenly burst through and illuminate new paths ahead of us.  Get excited because things are going to get interesting.  

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

8 of Wands - The Light Seer's Tarot
8 of Wands - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne.

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