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8 of Cups - Tarot

Updated: Jul 29

There comes a time when we must choose to walk away from what does not serve us.  After the 7 in which we faced our illusions around happiness, the 8 asks us to now make the choice to walk away and to search within for what it is we truly seek in regard to happiness and fulfillment.

It is here that we must now choose to walk away from our pain and our fears.  We have carried these things for far too long and it is now that we must let them go and move on.  This can sometimes be hard, as our pain and fear feel comfortable and almost like old friends.  But we must realize that holding on to these toxic friendships will never allow us to feel real happiness.  It is time to abandon all stagnate and toxic energy so that we can move towards joy and love.  The longer we stay here, the more we sink into the sadness and misery that keeps us stuck in loops of self-loathing and pain.

The journey towards love and happiness requires the sacrifice of our pain.  We cannot be miserable and happy at the same time.  When the 8 comes up we are being asked to master this choice.   We have to keep choosing every day to let go of this pain and stop wallowing in it.  We must make the effort to choose what makes us happy and to make the effort to invest in that happiness each and every day, instead of our misery, if we want to see actual change.

The 8 of Cups encourages us to embark on an important inner journey.  We must face our pain and sadness in order to release it. We must also face each of our illusions to free ourselves from their lies.  Through this journey we can find guidance from our inner knowing that will slowly illuminate our real truth of love and happiness. Eventually we will come through to the other side of this healing process with the strength to then cultivate a life that is truly reflective of the happiness we deserve.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information


8 of Cups - The Light Seer's Tarot
8 of Cups - The Light Seer's Tarot

 Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne.

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