Traditionally the 7 of wands is associated with courage and valor. It is the energy that we need to be able to push through the final obstacles of our journey to achieve our goals and reap the rewards of our harvest. It is the last leg of the race, and we need to tap into our almost empty reserves of energy and sprint through to the end.
It is in this moment that we can find ourselves quite vulnerable to attack either inside or out. We know we are so close to finishing what we have started, and so our doubts, fears and worries may surface and trip us up. It is because of this vulnerability that we must be careful with who we let in to our space. Anyone who would either intentionally or unintentionally cause us harm by amplifying our fears, doubts, and worries are not healthy energies for us to be around. We need to be extra protective of our energy and our purpose in this moment.
The 7 of wands offers us a final chance to conquer the last of our fears, doubts and worries that have persisted throughout our journey. We want to take this moment to find peace with these things so that when we do finally reach the finish line, we do so free of these challenges. It will take all our courage and valor to push through these limitations one last time and to break free of these energies once and for all so that we can fully enjoy the harvest of our hard work. Ultimately, this is a moment to find peace with what once challenged us and to see that we have an opportunity to leave these challenges behind for good.
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Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne.