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  • myshelle121

7 of Pentacles - Tarot

Updated: Jul 20

The 7 of Pentacles represents the energy of harvest and success. After a long journey of hard work, dedication, patience, and perseverance, we are now reaching a point where we are reaping the rewards of our efforts and seeing the first fruits of our labor.

The 7 of Pentacles reminds us to be patient. Often when we see the first fruits appear, we are quick to think that this is it. But like any fruit tree, this is just the beginning. Fruit will continue to grow and to be harvested the more that we tend to our tree, and over time the harvest will grow more and more.

Another facet of this card is to observe and assess the journey that has got us here. Was it worth it? Did we achieve what we set out to achieve? Would we do it again? What would we do the same? What would we do different?

However, we are also asked to go a bit deeper with this assessment and to consider what we have really gained through this experience beyond what we are seeing in the results. It is not just the fruit that is the pay off, it is also everything that we learned, healed and developed within ourselves that is the true harvest of this journey.

Regardless of if we would measure this as a success or failure from the outside, the 7 of Pentacles is asking us to see the true value of the experience that has got us to this point. What we have gained in experience far surpasses the results as we have cultivated wisdom and strength that will now be always apart of us. Whatever we do next, we will bring this experience and wisdom with us.

Overall, the 7 of Pentacles is a moment to really see what we have achieved from our hard work and dedication. It asks us to value more than just the results and to see that the journey is what has shaped us and given to us more than the goal itself. Whether we move forward seeing this as a success or failure is completely determined by what we are able to understand and value about this journey and what we have developed within ourselves.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

7 of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot
7 of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot

 Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chirs-Anne

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