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7 of Cups - Tarot


Updated: Jul 29, 2024

When we reach a certain point in our journey, it is time to assess what we have harvested thus far.  In the journey of the cups, we are asked to look at what we have achieved through our pursuit for love and happiness and to be honest with ourselves to know if we are truly happy with what we have achieved and obtained.


When we pursue and achieve things such as fame, fortune, power, possessions, and beauty, with ourselves or within our connections, we often come to the realization that these things cannot make actually make us happy.  They can possibly be an extension of happiness if that feeling already exists within, but they are not the answer to what will create happiness in our life.  In obtaining these things, we realize it was always an illusion to think that these are the things that would make us feel fulfilled, and so the 7 of cups asks us to see this truth.

True happiness and fulfillment come from within. Happiness is a state of beings.  No matter how much we seek it from the outside, we will never really feel truly happy if this is not our inner state of being.  The 7 of Cups is the process of facing all our illusions around happiness in order to find the truth of what we truly seek.  Ultimately, we will realize that it is only self-love and true connection with others that will ever give us the feeling and knowing of true happiness and fulfillment.  All things outside of ourselves will fade and change and disappear over time.  The love we cultivate within will last us our lifetime.  The connections we forge from this self-love will be an extension of this.

After we break free from these illusion, we are then asked to decide how we want to move towards from here.  If the things we have achieved are not the answers we were looking for, how can we now choose to move forward towards a lasting happiness and love?  It is up to us to see now what the truth is that we seek and to decide to follow this new path.  Remember all that glitters is not gold, and the things of real value may not appear so shinny and alluring.  Discern true value from what is genuine and true, not from what makes false promises through image and allure.

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7 of Cups - The Light Seer's Tarot
7 of Cups - The Light Seer's Tarot


Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne.



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