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  • myshelle121

5 of Swords - Tarot

Updated: Jul 17

Truth is relative to each person's experiences and choices. Not everyone will agree with your truth, nor will you always agree with the truth of others. This is not about right or wrong, this is about acceptance and understanding that truth is different for everyone.

The 5 of Swords is a strong energy that asks us to see the futility in fighting against someone else’s truth or defending our own truth when we have moved from a state of debate and into the energy of an argument. While we know it is important to stand up and speak our truth and be heard, the 5 of Swords comes up to show us when our energy is wasted and that we would actually do better to walk away in this moment rather than continue to engage in argument.

Debate is when we have a discussion between people in which we express a difference of opinion. There is back and forth as each person expresses their truth and offers a chance to consider different perspectives. This is not the energy of the 5 of Swords. The 5 of Swords is more the energy of an argument in which each person claims that they are right, and the other person is wrong without any consideration for the other perspectives being offered. When the 5 of Swords comes up, we are being asked to observe this difference.

In the energy of an argument, we are looking to prove our own truth by invalidating the truth of another through insult and injury. This creates a win/lose mentality that generally results in negative communications that do nothing to support real truth and instead results in mean and malicious types of communications. At this point, even if we feel we won, we still lose because once this stopped being about truth and instead became about hurting another person, we lost all integrity, and our truth becomes irrelevant.

The most common way we see this come up now a day is through internet trolling on social media. Where people attack others for their truth through slandering their person and character. This does nothing to support a truth or to defend it and it takes us away from any form of healthy debate and communication. Debate allows us to see many perspectives that help us to form an opinion of truth through cognitive thinking. When we go into the energy of slander, we take away the right of another to have an opinion and we limit the communication in such a way that the facts, logic and reason get lost.

The energy of the 5 of Swords is that of an argument and when it comes up, we are being asked to observe where we are in this energy. Are we the ones who are slandering another in order to win and argument? Are we the ones being slandered while defending our truth? Either way, the 5 of Swords comes up to show us that the healthiest thing to do in this moment is to walk away. Nothing will be gained by engaging in this energy, and it is likely the longer we remain here, the more we will get hurt.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

5 of Swords - The Light Seer's Tarot
5 of Swords - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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