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  • myshelle121

5/5 portal - Numerology

Updated: Jun 13

5 is the number of change, challenge and chaos.  Though it may be uncomfortable, this number portal of 5 comes to shake us up to help free us from people, places, things, routines, ideas, beliefs, etc etc that no longer serve us in the journey ahead.   Some things are meant to help us so far, but at a certain point, we need to recognize that they have now become a limitation and these things need to change if we are going to grow.


5 can also be defined as the number of Freedom.  It is a vibrational energy that helps us to clean away all limitations, doubts and fears.  The energy of of 5 helps us through the challenges, changes and chaos, to see these energies clearly within us, so that we can face them, work through them and finally conquer them.  With this freedom we will feel more confidence, trust and certainty .  This is what 5 is challenging us to do. To face what we have maybe ignored or suppressed or simply allowed up until now so that we can move forward free from the influence of these unhealthy energies that hold us back from living in our full potential.

5 is also a number of Faith.  We are asked with the 5/5 portal to embrace the changes, challenges and chaos coming up as energies that are working for us, not against us.  To trust that though we can not see it now, this energy is  helping us to cleanse away what is outdated and is helping us to redirect our energy in ways that better serve our evolution and purpose as we move forward.  Its not always easy to have faith and trust that difficult things are in fact for our greater good, but if we can see if from this elevated perspective, we will find it easier to accept and work with these challenges, rather then resist and fight against them.

As we go through this energy portal, we may feel heavy and burdened by all that is changing.  We may even feel like giving up or that all our efforts up to this point have been for nothing.  We are encouraged to keep going however, because on the other side, we will recover stronger then ever before with a renewed sense of certainty, purpose and direction.

5 sits in the middle of the number progression.  It is half way from the start and to the finish.  It is a number of destruction that is necessary for reconstruction. Whatever withstands the storm is worth keeping.  Whatever does not, we are encouraged to let it drop away because it can not help us in the next part of our journey.  


Through this destructive and chaotic energy, 5 also offers us a change to discover our strength, determination and will power.  When things are easy, we do not see or know what we are actually capable of.  However, when things come up to challenge us, the gift of it is to witness in ourselves what we can do with these challenges and who we become through them.

Overall, 5 is a key turning point in time when you decide if you are going to keep things the same and progress no further, or if your going to push yourself to make the changes necessary to move into the next elevation of your project, relationship, spiritual development, and/or self actualization etc.  The 5/5 portal is a  moment where we choose if we will cross the threshold from the mundane and material to a plane of  higher spiritual consciousness.

If you are interested in receiving your own personal numerology reading, please send me a DM or visit my webpage


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