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  • myshelle121

4 of Swords - Tarot

Updated: Jul 17

When we go through a difficult time, the best remedy to restore our energy is rest. This is exactly what the 4 of Swords call us to do. Our mind at this point needs to take time out and it's up to us to make space for this to be possible.

Our mind can create anxiety when our thoughts go into overdrive. In this energy we are unable to think clearly, and we quickly become burnt out. The 4 of Swords comes up when we need to get our mind to take a break from whatever it is obsessing over. To do so, we must be disciplined in not feeding into our anxieties and create a safe space to retreat into so that we can find the rest that is so much needed.

The discipline required is for us to rest from engaging in the energies that are triggering our anxiety. We need to stop hyper focusing on what is troubling our mind and get it to switch off from the never-ending narrative it is stuck on. The 4 of Swords points to a time when what we need more than anything is to be silent, alone and to tune out all the excess noise that is around us.

This energy is very much akin to that of a retreat where we disengage from all the world around us. It is a time where we would benefit from turning off our phone, ignoring social media, and taking a break from conversing with those around us. Silence is what is needed in order to bring our mind back into a state of calm and peace. After this rest and silence, we are assured clarity will be restored.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

4 of Swords - The Light Seer's Tarot
4 of Swords - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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