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  • myshelle121

4 of Pentacles - Tarot

Updated: Jul 20

The 4 of Pentacles represents stability, security and responsibility. These energies are cultivated through our own hard work and discipline through tending to our day-to-day responsibilities and taking care of our physical world, body and assets.

It is important that we care for our physical world in a responsible way. By doing so we create stability and security through our disciplined efforts. This means showing up to do the work and maintenance each and every day to care for our physical body, space and assets. Every day we maintain these disciplines, our day to day lives function like a well-oiled machine. This is important so that we are able to keep our lives in working order without spiraling into chaos and dysfunction.

One aspect that the 4 of Pentacles asks us to consider is what is actually our responsibility and what is not? Sometimes we wear ourselves out trying to do too much and trying to control too many things. This is not healthy and will eventually lead us to burnout. What we are encouraged to recognize with this energy is that we do need to show up and maintain the disciplines necessary to fulfill our responsibilities, but we also need to know what is not important and what is not actually our burden to carry. In distinguishing between these energies, we can let go of what does not need our energy and focus and what does.

Another facet of this energy is about letting go of what we don’t need. This energy can sometimes reflect what it is to hoard, especially on a physical level. And so, when this energy comes up, we are encouraged to let go of what is weighing us down. Remembering that the more we hold on to, the more we are creating a burden of responsibility. Everything we then let go of, frees up energy for us to feel a little less stressed and a little more relaxed.

Overall, the 4 of Pentacles is encourages us to solidify the practices, disciplines and behavior that maintain order in our day to day lives. It is this maintenance that creates a stable and functioning lifestyle that helps us to create certain level of security and general wellbeing in our life. We do have to be discerning of what responsibilities serve us and what responsibilities weigh us down so as to not be buried under the weight of taking on too much. However, we also need to avoid being lazy and neglectful as our kingdom will fall apart if we do not maintain it properly.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

4 of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot
4 of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chirs-Anne

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