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  • myshelle121

4/4 Portal - Numerology

Updated: Jun 13

4 is the number of Power.  It is stability and security through discipline and hard work.  It is the number that operates through rules and law to maintain order and create structure. 

4 reminds us that if we want to see results, we have to be willing to do the work.  When we create a discipline that demands that we show up everyday to do something, we are guaranteed to experience success . 4 encourages us to make a plan and stick with it.  Eventually all our hard work will pay off.

When we create disciplines that we know will benefit our overall well being, we create a stability and security in our life that becomes the foundation for things to grow.  Showing up for ourselves in this way allows us to feel safe in knowing that things will get done and all our needs will be met.  It gives to us a structure that then limits chaos and stress.

The number 4 also corresponds to the 4 elements.  Finding stability in all 4 of our elements bodies is key to feeling stable and secure.  We must create discipline and structure within our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical worlds in order to find the stability and safety we crave. Showing up for ourselves on all levels requires us to make time for the things we know are important to maintain order and to have a healthy lifestyle. To do so we must commit to these things in such a way where we prioritize what is important and do the work needed everyday to secure these things in our lives.

Our Power comes from our own self control and mastery.  To create the life we desire to live, we need to be able to direct our energy towards building the things we want to see stabilized in our life.  We must do it for ourselves and not pass it off to others.  We need to take full responsibility and trust our own wisdom and experience to get things done.  Power is not our ability to force others to do things, its having power over ourselves to finish what we start and maintain the energy needed to see things through.  In doing so, we become an example to others of self discipline, hard work, responsibility and mastery.

Things to avoid with the Number 4 energy are perfectionism, being too serious, and being to ridged. Though we need to work hard and be disciplined in our practices, we do not want to lose joy in life through pushing too hard or expecting too much.  The Number 4 wants us to get things done and have a strong work ethic, but not at the expense of our happiness.

Energies to cultivate in this 4/4 portal are: Discipline, Responsibility, Self Control, Mastery, Work Ethic, Integity, Rationality, and Boundaries.

On a more spiritual level, 4 is the number of completion.  It connects the mind, body and spirit with the physical world. It is energy stabilized within the physical.

Nature also operates in 4s.  We have 4 elements, 4 seasons, and 4 directions.  Each component lends to the overall stability of all energy.  We need all 4 parts in working order and balance for things to work properly. 4 is the number of wholeness that recognizes that we are only complete when we have all energies in balance.  It reminds us of the importance of all aspects and to not put our energy all in one area while neglecting others.  To be in harmony with nature we must work will all seasons, all elements and all directions.  

Overall we can see that the number 4 represents creation.  With each of the the 4 elements, 4 season and 4 directions the whole world is created.  Without one component of any of these examples present, we would not have the world as we know it.  Our world is what it is because of the energy that each of these things bring to the whole. Each of these 4 aspects are what give shape and structure to our world and to our lives. 4 is the perfect balance of all things needed for manifestation and life.    

If you are interested in receiving your own personal numerology reading, please send me a DM or visit my webpage for more information.

4/4 Portal - Numerology
4/4 Portal - Numerology

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