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  • myshelle121

3 of Pentacles - Tarot

Updated: Jul 20

The 3 of Pentacles is the card of work and apprenticeship. It is the beginning of bringing our material ideas and potentials into a tangible form, and with this, we are making a commitment to follow a path that will help us to develop our skills and talents through a specific vocation.

When the 3 of Pentacles comes up, we are being asked to get to work. It is time for us to move from potential into making things happen, one step at time. It is not enough to just dream about the skills we would like to develop, we must now take action to begin the process of learning and practicing.

As we are at the stage of apprenticeship, we are encouraged to find teachers and mentors to help and support us in this journey. Being an apprentice means we are at the stage of the student, and being guided by expects in our field will help us to develop our skills in ways that we cannot teach ourselves.

With this, we are also reminded that to start, we must be willing to make mistakes and to fail. We have a long journey ahead of us in order to reach the level of master and professional. In order to get there, we will need to be ok with not knowing what we are doing and making mistakes. This is how we learn, and this is how we cultivate genuine experience that will become our wisdom over time. We cannot skip the difficult parts because these things will be what shape us along the way.

Overall, the 3 of Pentacles is asking us to make a commitment to our goals and to start doing what we need to do in order to develop the skills we wish to master. We need to overcome our fears and doubts and trust that the only way we can achieve greatness is by showing up to do the day to day work necessary to get there. This means we also have to be willing to do the not so nice aspects of this work. We all have to start somewhere, but if we never start, there is nowhere to grow. The 3 of Pentacles says start now and in time, with patience and perseverance, we will rise in the ranks and eventually we will move from being novice to expert. Our dedication, determination, attitude, patience and perseverance will determine the quality of the journey and how long it takes to get to our destination.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

3 of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot
3 of Pentacles - The Light Seer's Tarot

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chirs-Anne

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