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  • myshelle121

3/3 Portal - Numerology

Updated: Jun 13

Time to get creative! The vibration of 3 brings a burst of energy that supports bringing our artistic endeavors into manifestation.  3 is the number of creative expression and it encourages us to now bring our own unique creativity into the world in tangible ways.

The inspirations we received in the 1/1 portal (seed) brought us to the 2/2 portal (soil) were we began to prepare the energy for manifestation.  Now with the 3/3 portal (plant)  we are ready to unite seed and soil to grow our plant.  Our inspirations after a period of integration are now ready to be realized.

We will feel a lot of energetic motivation through this number of 3, and we can harness this energy and direct it with purpose towards all we want to create. Pleasure, Fun and Joy are all key components in this, because we are reminded through this number that we should enjoy the process of creating and not just be concerned with the end result. After all, we are still in the early stages of creation. There is a whole journey ahead of us and so much is possible.  Our attitude will determine the quality of the this journey so whatever energy we cultivate now will be the energy that carries us through. 

With this energy we are reminded to value our own unique creations and beauty.  It does not serve us to compare our creations to others. The world benefits more from a variety of beauty and creativity and so we want to celebrate our own special creative expression rather then comparing or competing with others.

Fear and doubt might also come up.  Don’t let these things stop you before you’ve even gotten started.  Enjoy the process of creating and see where it takes you.  You only fail if you give up, so put your heart and soul into what you most desire and see what is possible.  Let your creativity unfold and enjoy the process of seeing it manifest in all  the different ways.  Let your imagination run free. Discover all the potential available to you. And most of all, have fun.

In diving deeper into the more spiritual nature of the number 3, we can see it expressed in a few different ways. For example, body, mind, spirit. Mother, father, child. Seed, soil, plant. The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Life, death, rebirth. We see through these examples that there is unity of energies that work together to create the whole.  That while these energies are separately powerful in their own ways, it is the unity of all 3 that create something greater then their individual parts.  

3 is the number that unites our duality. It brings us from the belief of one or the another and produces a product from both.  The yin yang symbol shows this well. If we were to only draw one side or the other of a yin yang, we would not understand the whole and would only see the truth of each side separate from its whole.  It is only in uniting the 2 parts that a 3rd aspect emerges giving us a completely new understanding of what these 2 parts mean when merged together.  We then see something greater then the individual parts created through this unity.

In a bigger way we can see 3 is the creation of consciousness.  These individual parts unite to create a consciousness that is an expansion of a knowing that is more profound then their individual understandings. It is the evolution of consciousness that is only possible through this unity of these individual aspects to create something more.  The sprem unites with the egg to create a child.  Each part has its own understanding and awareness, but when united a completely new and expanded consciousness is born.

If you are interested in receiving your own personal numerology reading, please send me a DM or visit my webpage for more information.

3/3 Portal - Numerology
3/3 Portal - Numerology

If your interested in learning more about Numerology or would like to receive your own personal reading, please send a DM.  

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