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  • myshelle121

2 of Cups - Tarot

Updated: Jul 29

The 2 of Cups is the card of Love.  While often the focus that comes up through this card is in relation to the connection between 2 people, this card actually asks us first to look at the connection we have with ourselves.  It teaches us that we must meet ourselves in love before we can open to love with in another.

This card also speaks of the union of duality.  Our head and our heart. Our spirit and our body.  Our light and our dark. When we can connect with love and trust between the different aspects of ourselves, we create union and harmony.  Hate, judgement, criticism and fear are the energies that create disharmony and separation.  The 2 of cups encourages us to choose love over fear and to create a relationship of gentle harmony between all the different parts ourselves. When we speak of true love, this is what is meant. Love for all of who we are, not the parts we pick and choose to love.

When we are able to choose love for ourselves, it is then that we can connect with another through this love.  The cups are a reflective energy.  What we see within ourselves is what we will see reflected back to us.  In choosing to love ourselves, we will inevitably connect with others who will reflect this love back. 


Love cultivates trust and a feeling of safety.  When we are loving and kind to ourselves, we offer this energy to another and create a safe space for them to love us in return.  A relationship built on love, trust and safety will produce a long-lasting bond.  The 2 of cups asks us to truly cultivate these energies within ourselves daily so that we can both give and receive these energies within all of our relationships. This will then create the foundation for our relationships to flourish in the healthiest ways possible.

The 2 of cups is often referred to as the card of soulmates.  Soulmates can come in many forms such as lovers, friendships, business partners and family.  When we connect with a soulmate, we are recognizing a special energetic bond that has importance for both people.  This bond may exist in a moment, a season, a lifetime or depending on belief systems, many lifetimes.

Extending upon the theme of soulmates, this card also speaks of soul contracts, in which both souls have agreed to connect in a given time and space to learn, grow, heal and create something of importance through their relationship.  When the 2 of cups shows up, it can represent the recognition of a strong bond with someone who will play a special role in our life.  Where we take it and what we do with it is not yet defined in this moment, but intuitively we recognize the significance of a special bond beginning.

Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information

2 of Cups - The Light Seer's Tarot
2 of Cups - The Light Seer's Tarot



 Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne.

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