We come now to the end of our Wand journey. We have ascended and descended the mountain. This is a point of completion, and it is now time for us relax as we bring this journey to a close.
We are asked here to put to rest whatever we do not need to carry forward. It’s a time to leave behind guilt, regrets, resentments, feelings of failure, and frustrations. We do not need these things where we are going. However, we do need our wisdom, strength, motivation, confidence, and passion. This a time to be decisive about what we are taking and what we are leaving behind. We do not want to be burdened with energy that drains and exhausts us when we begin the next journey.
With all endings, a new beginning is inevitable. But we don’t want to rush. Take a moment to truly appreciate being right here, right now. Allow yourself to recover your energy completely so that when new things do open up, you are fully ready to jump in refreshed and renewed.
You may feel a little on edge waiting for the new to begin and maybe a little impatient not knowing where you are supposed to go next. Don’t worry, soon enough it will be clear. Until then rest, recover and recharge because this is what will prepare you best for the new adventure to come.
Please contact me to learn more about Tarot therapy sessions, mini readings and classes or visit my webpage for more information www.mysticmyshelletarot.com/services

Image is from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne.