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  • myshelle121

1/1 Portal - Numerology

Updated: Jun 13

1 is the vibration of new beginnings and new adventures. It is the seed that stores within it a whole world of potential and possibility just waiting to be realized. It is the gift of a fresh start and a clean slate.

1 offers us a chance to start down a new path in which we can take a road we have never traveled before. It opens a portal of self discovery as we embark on this new trajectory into the unknown. It is a time to be excited by all that can be and has yet to be realized. In this moment anything is possible and all we have to do is decide to take the first step towards our destiny. Where will we dare to go from here?

Pay attention today to any new inspirations, ideas, connections, feelings etc as these are the seeds offered to us through the universal energies. Whatever catches our attention and ignites energy within us is something worth planting today.

In this moment we are also encouraged to dirrect our energy through our intentions with confidence and remember our power to create. We are the architects of our own reality and today we can focus our energy towards whatever we truly want to manifest and trust that where there is a will, there is a way. It's not a time to worry about how or when. Nor is it a time for what ifs and maybes. Where this moment will lead to is also not something to worry about right now. All that is asked of us here is for us  to dirrect our energy and decide what we want with a determination to do it. From here, we only need to be available to where this takes us and enjoy the ride. Trust that we will figure out the details along the way.

Today is a day to dream big and know that anything is possible. We are infinite in our power to create and our potential is truly limitless. We have only to believe this and act from this belief in order to open to this energy.  And when we come back yet again to this point of a new year, we will be pleasantly surprised by all we have achieved.

If you would like to receive your own personal numerology reading, please send a DM or visit my webpage for more information.

1/1 Portal - Numerology
1/1 Portal - Numerology

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