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Package options are for those looking to go deeper into the Tarot process.  Each package is designed with specific intentions to help you to learn, heal, grow and expand through the experience that is offered. Please explore the different options to see what would fit best for you.

Tarot and Numerology

1 hour Tarot Therapy + 1 hour Numerology

San Marcos - 500q

Online - $90usd 

This package is designed to both examine your current life situation while also providing insight into the cosmic influences that come through your numerology vibrations.

Session 1 - Numerology

Choose between learning about your Ancestral Wisdom, Life Purpose or Personality numbers to bring awareness and understanding to the cosmic energies that support and guide you in this lifetime. Please click the learn more button to explore these different options.

Session 2 - Tarot Therapy

An overview of your current life situation where you are provided with advice, guidance and intuitive insights into the energetic influences around you at this time. 

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Past, Present, Future

3 Sessions/1 hour each

San Marcos - 750q

Online - $140usd

The intention of these 3 sessions is to explore Indepth the energetic themes that are of influence from your past, present and moving into to the future.  This package can be applied to examining a specific area of focus or can be experienced as a general overview. 

Session 1 - Past


Session 2 - Present

Awareness and Clarity


Session 3 - Future

Preparation and Planning 

Tarot Wellness

4 sessions/60 to 90 minutes each

San Marcos - 1200q

Online - $240 USD

This package is for anyone who is wanting a deep and profound look into each area of life.  The intention is to provide a holistic and comprehensive examination of your health on all levels so you can address the lessons and healing that will support your personal growth while providing you with new inspirations and motivations in moving forward. 

This package includes 4 separate Tarot sessions, each 60 to 90 minutes in length.

Also included is a 30-minute consultation to prepare for the sessions.

The Session schedule will be created at a pace that works best for you.  We will discuss this in our consultation.

Session 1 - Spiritual Health

Purpose, Creativity, Goals and Direction

Session 2 - Mental Health

Communication, Truth, and Conscious Awareness

Session 3 - Emotional Health

Family history, Past influences, Happiness and Fulfillment

Session 4 - Physical Heath

Self-Care, Safety, Assets and Finances

Tarot Magick Initiations

4 Sessions /60 to 90 minutes each

San Marcos - 1200q

Online - $240

A series of sessions designed to support you in unlocking your potential and power.  Through this series we will work together to examine what aspects of your power remain dormant and unsee.  These sessions are intended to empower you in accessing more of your power and to find the courage and strength to expand into your infinite potential.


Session 1

Facing Fears


Session 2

Removing Blocks and Limitations


Session 3

Building Strength


Session 4

Expanding your Power 

All images are from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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