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Numbers are a universal language.  They represent vibrational energies that are symbolic of frequencies that exist in the building block of our entire universe. Numerology is the study and application of how the different number vibrations influence us both individually and collectively.


The following numerology readings have been created outside of the traditional numerology structure. Though there is some crossover between these and the traditional system, most of what is presented here offers you a completely new and fresh perspective of the number vibrations that are of influence in your life. 

The readings can be provided in 1 of 2 ways:

1. In person/Online session - With this option we will meet and discuss the universal and personal interpretations of your number vibrations.  In person sessions allow for a back a forth to help apply, process and integrate the information. All information will be provided orally. You can record and take notes. 

2. Written Document - All information related to both the universal and personal interpretations of your numbers will be presented through a detailed written document. It is a personalized document that is uniquely created for you at the time of your request.  There is no back and forth with this option. 


Each of the readings below are offered as separate 1-hour sessions or written documents. 


1 hour session or written document

San Marcos - 300q

Online - $60usd

Sign up for all 3 sessions or 3 written documents.

San Marcos - 750q

Online - $140usd

1. Ancestral Wisdom

What has been passed down to you

The last name vibrations of your parents


The wisdom that is shared through your family lineage comes in the form of Karmic lessons, challenges and strengths. This information is used to bring awareness to these energies that have been passed down to you so that you can learn, heal, grow and continue to pass down this energy in such a way that is reflective of karmic integration. 

The reading provides examination of these 3 areas:

 Karmic lessons, strengths, and challenges passed down through the Father

Fathers last name at birth

 Karmic lessons, strengths and challenges passed down through the Mother

Mothers last name at birth

Guiding spiritual principle for this lifetime

Combination of Father and Mothers last names

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2. Life Purpose

Your purpose and driving force in this world.
Your birthday number vibrations

  Your birth date represents the energies you have come to cultivate and contribute to this world through your gifts, talents and skills.  Your Individual Birth Vision helps you to see what you have come to share and create in your day-to-day life.  Your Generational Birth Vison is what you have come to contribute to the overall evolution of humanity.  Your Life Purpose is how you combine your individual birth vision with your generational birth vision for your overall purpose.

The reading provides examination of these 3 areas:


Natural Gifts and Talents - Individual Birth Vision

Day and Month of your Birthday


Challenges and Strengths - Generational Birth Vision

Year of your Birthday


Life Purpose

Full Birthday

3. Personality

Your image and character development

First and middle name vibrations


Your name vibrations represent the example you are in this world and the character you develop and grow into throughout your life. These energies relate to the different aspects of your personality and are the foundation of how you connect with and understand other people. The information presented here helps you to understand the different ways in which you relate to people and shows you what energies are important to help you in maintaining and growing within these relationships.

The reading provides examination of these 3 areas:


Connection - Friends and Family Personality 

Your middle name


Image - Public personality 

Your first name.


 Soul Self - True personality

First and Middle name combined.

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All Images are from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne

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