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Mystic Myshelle Tarot

The Energy of the Number 9 - The Humanitarian - Numerology
9 energies are dedicated to improving the world through humanitarian efforts and philanthropy. They have big hearts and are charitable,...

The Energy of the Number 8 - The Visionary - Numerology
8 Energies pave the way for the future. They are the visionaries that see the future of human evolution are able to create what will...

The Energy of the Number 7 - The Seeker - Numerology
7 energies are spiritual in nature and are attuned to higher cosmic forces. They are both philosophical and scientific. 7s have a strong...

The Energy of the Number 6 - The Healer - Numerology
The 6 energy is caring, compassionate, loving and loyal. Â Â 6 energies live to serve and to take care of those in need. They are...

The Energy of the Number 5 - The Free Spirit - Numerology
5 is the energy of freedom and adventure. 5 energies like to explore and expand through life experiences. They are confident, daring,...

The Energy of the Number 4 - The Authority - Numerology
The 4 energy is expressed through power and responsibility. It is an energy that is stable and secure through hard work, dedication and...

The Energy of the Number 3 - Numerology
The 3 energy is creative and expressive.  It is an energy that is charismatic and influential.  3’s are charming, full of flare and...

The Energy of the Number 2 - The Peacekeeper - Numerology
The number 2 personality is highly intuitive, emotional, and sensitive. It desires peace, calm, and harmony. It is an energy that is...

The Energy of 1 - The Leader - Numerology
1 is a vibrational energy that is independent, ambitious and driven. 1’s tend to be optimistic and motivated with a wealth of enthusiasm....

Our Personal Numbers - Numerology
All of us carry with us our own unique blueprint of numbers through our birthday and through our name. Understanding our numerical...

The Number Journey - Numerology
The following information is a guide to understanding how the numbers progress and what we can learn from them when we are working with...

An Introduction to Numerology
The Language of Numbers Numbers are a universal language. They are messengers of universal energies and understandings. They represent...

11/11 Portal - Numerology
11/11 Portal The 11/11 portal represents an energy of self-mastery, spiritual awareness, and karmic responsibility. This number portal...

10/10 Portal - Numerology
The number vibration of 10 represents manifestation, completion, and change. 10 brings about the energy of endings that lead to new...

10 of Pentacles - Tarot
The 10 of Pentacles represents the energy of lasting wealth and health. It it is the inheritance we receive and the legacy that we pass...

9 of Pentacles - Tarot
The 9 of Pentacles represents luxury and abundance. Here we are enjoying all that we have cultivated and created. Our hard work and...

8 of Pentacles - Tarot
The 8 of Pentacles represents the energy of mastery. From this position, we can see how we have evolved from once being the novice and...

Queen of Pentacles - Tarot
The Queen of Pentacles is a loving and nurturing energy. She has an infinite amount of patience and has so much love and compassion to...

7 of Pentacles - Tarot
The 7 of Pentacles represents the energy of harvest and success. After a long journey of hard work, dedication, patience, and...

6 of Pentacles - Tarot
The 6 of Pentacles indicates a time when balance is restored in our lives, and we can once again feel a sense of safety and security. As...
All Images are from the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne
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